More info about the animal:
Jade had her first litter at 6 months 03/13/2024 where she was paired to DOGG's Gravy Train "Tank" and had 11 pups ( 2 does & 9 bucks ) the litter was culled down to 6 on the 8th day .
This litter produced Agouti , Black (Silvermane) , Himalayan , Variegated , Berkshire , Masked , Top Ear , Dumbo , Rex , and Standard Coats .
At 7 months old after her babies were born she weighed 279g .
They were weaned and separated on April 17th 2024 and she was paired again on the 18th .
Of these six , three passed their temperament tests on 05/07/2024 at 7 weeks old , of the three who failed one had sniffles at 7 weeks .
Her next litter was born at 8 months 05/09/2024 where she was paired to DOGG's Gravy Train "Tank" and had 11 babies ( 6 does & 5 bucks ) with 3 ftt who were culled at day 3 , the litter was down to 8 when at 11 days mom ate two pups the day before a severe heat wave where the power ended up getting cut off while everyone was at work and we lost 4 of the remaining 6 . The heat wave clearly had an effect on the litter and the final two babies were culled at 4 weeks after clearly being stunted in growth and weighing in at 18 g and 20 g .
This litter produced Agouti , Black , Mink or Cinnamon? , Siamese? , Himalayan , Variegated , Berkshire , Irish , Masked , Top Ear , Dumbo , Rex , and Standard Coats .
As of 08/07/2024 Jade has had her last litter which did not go as planned , she had a long delivery and 3 babies were stillborn , 2 she ate later , and 1 was culled for ftt . Of the 6 remaining all were healthy and happy .